Let me share with you my little sister's recipe on Homemade Lemonade
Hope you guys enjoy it as much as she love making it!!
Homemade Lemonade
1 Cup Sugar
1 Cup Warm Water
3/4 to 1 Cup of Cold Water
3 - 4 Lemons


How is it made?.
Step 1
Press the Lemons on the table and roll it back and forth. This will keep the juice flowing.
Cut the Lemons in Half

Step 2
Squeeze out the juice from the Lemons

It may seems easy but it is not
It takes a lot of effort to do so....
Step 3Add the sugar into the warm water and bring it to a boil while stirring
Note: If the water is saturate, try add more water into the mixture

Keep stirring until all the sugar is dissolved

Step 4
Let the mixture(Water + Sugar) cool down a little
Once the mixture is brought to room temperate add in the fresh lemon juice as prepared earlier
The best part TASTING! The only chance to be a professional chef. Use your culinary skills to make the best Lemonade
Taste the Lemonade. If it is too sweet add more water and if it is too sour add a few teaspoon of sugar in. Bring the taste to your likings.

Final Step
Step 5
Pour the Lemonade into a jar and place it inside a refrigerator
This keeps it cool and nice
